Personal Injury
South Carolina Defective Product Attorneys
Injured from a defective product you purchased?
Everyday you use products designed, manufactured, and sold by someone else. And each year, hundreds of products are recalled. These defective products can cause injuries. If you have injuries from using a defective product, you may be entitled to compensation. Our experienced personal injury attorneys in SC can work with you to discuss what happened, the injuries you sustained, and if/how you may receive damages.
One of the following three causes must be proven for the court to determine product liability or negligence in your defective product injury case: defective design, defective manufacturing, and failure to instruct or . Defective design is caused by an overall design flaw, not the manufacturing process. Defective manufacturing means an error occurred during the manufacturing process rather than during the design of the product. Failure to instruct or warn is when a manufacturer inadequately informs or does not inform consumers of the correct use of a product or its potential risks.
No matter which category your case falls into, our experienced personal injury attorneys who specialize in defective products or devices will review the details of your case and injuries caused by defective products to understand who is at fault and determine negligence.
There are two standards to determine if a product is defective: the consumer expectation standard and the risk-utility standard. If the danger of a product is unknowable or unacceptable to general consumers, the product is considered defective per the consumer expectation standard. If a product’s risk of harm outweighs the benefits of the product, the product is considered defective per the risk-utility standard.
Our experienced team of personal injury attorneys include William B. Harvey III, Thomas A. Holloway, J. Samuel Scoville, and Austin M. Blake. Our defective device lawyers have the experience and compassion necessary to help with your case and the intricacies that come with it. They will work with doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies to ensure proper compensation. Schedule your free initial consultation today to start the process of your case for injuries caused by defective products.
Common Questions Related to Defective Product Injuries
Q: When should you engage an attorney for an injury caused by a defective product?
A: If you’re suffering from an injury caused by defective products or devices, you should contact a defective device lawyer immediately. To get in touch with our team regarding injuries caused by defective products in South Carolina, contact our team to schedule your free initial consultation today.
Q: What should I do if I’m injured by a product?
A: Document as much as possible. Take pictures of where the injury happened and the surrounding area. Keep all pieces of the product that caused your injuries. Keep the packing and everything that came in the packaging (instructions, manuals, etc.), as well as your receipts showing the date of purchase. Keep record of where your injuries caused by the defective product were treated and by who, including photographs.
Q: How do you prove a product is defective?
A: Proving a product is defective can be complicated. Not only must you prove defective design, defective manufacturing, or failure to instruct or warn, you must also have documentation of your purchase, injuries, medical expenses, and more. Our defective product attorneys will be happy to expand on how to prove a product is defective during your free initial consultation.
Q: What is the difference between product liability and negligence?
A: Product liability, also known as strict liability, generally means your injuries were caused by defective products and you are owed compensation. This means the focus of your case is on the defendant’s product. Negligence is when your case focuses on the defendant’s conduct. To prove negligence, the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty and breached that duty, which led to injury.

Free Consultation with a South Carolina Attorney
Initial consultations in potential burn injury cases are free, and our attorneys undertake most cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay no out-of-pocket expenses for our legal representation. Our attorney fees are paid from the settlement funds at the successful conclusion of your case. We don’t receive any money unless we collect money for you.
For more information or to discuss your case with a lawyer at Harvey & Battey, call (843) 524-3109 or click the button below to contact us online.